January 12, 2023
Get Your Business House In Order With Ontraport Systems
Written by
Julie Trombley
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Feeling overwhelmed? Having trouble locating files and information? Is important stuff disappearing? If so, you may be a victim of disorganization. Let Ontraport Systems help get your business back on track.

Using Systems in Ontraport

It is easy to become overwhelmed if you have no way of keeping your business house in order. Think of all of the emails, projects, and information that you end up hunting for when it’s needed. The task can be frustrating and time-consuming. There is a better way. With Ontraport Systems, you can keep your materials organized so they can be quickly located.

What are Ontraport Systems?

These systems are collections of assets that work together to accomplish a specific goal. For instance, capturing new leads, delivering a free resource, or segmenting your prospects for targeted follow up.

Ontraport Systems are a business tool you can use to create, maintain and organize your marketing and business assets. They are like folders in your account where related assets are kept. Examples include landing pages, forms, emails, campaigns, and tasks.

Benefits of Ontraport Systems

With Ontraport Systems, you can easily manage the different ‘containers’ or aspects of your business.

For instance, if you click on your ‘newsletter’ system, you will see your newsletter signup form, thank you page, newsletter campaign, emails, and your subscriber list. You can also view your newsletter stats. It’s easy to stay organized when all of your related materials are stored together.

Systems are like a ‘suitcase’, where you ‘pack’ folders containing your assets. Let’s say you have a collection titled “Winter Campaign.” Inside, you will find folders, such as “Blog Promotion”. In that folder, will be individual assets or pieces of that promotion.

How to Create Systems

You can create Ontraport systems from scratch, or use a Setup Wizard to customize a pre-built system.

Setup Wizards
With Ontraport’s pre-built system, you don’t have to worry about making rookie mistakes. It’s created by a team of professional writers, designers and automation builders. Each step customizes one piece of a prebuilt system that you can tailor to your specific business. Once all the steps are completed, your customized system will be installed for you.
You can find Setup Wizards for all of the most common business processes. These include lead capture, long-term lead nurture, long-form sales pages, and membership site setup.

From Scratch
If you choose to go down this road, click on the blue +Start from scratch button. This option will bring you to your asset overview page. Each tab has sections to add your system’s assets. For instance, under the “Contacts” section, you can add ‘Email, Automations, Tasks, and Forms.” In the “General” section, you can add “Products, Files, and Invoices.”

Systems Collection

All of your systems are stored in your collection. Click on the name of a system to view it individually. This section also includes a “Progress” column that shows you how close you are to completing each of your Setup Wizards. When you click on a section that’s incomplete, you can finish it. If you click on an area that’s already done, you’ll go right to it.

A Word About Naming Conventions

To keep your systems organized, it’s a good idea to use naming conventions. A file naming convention describes the content of each file and makes it easier to identify and find the one you want. It’s essential to set up a convention before you start collecting files or data. Unorganized content can quickly wreak havoc. Find a system that works for you and put it into place.

If the idea of creating systems excites you yet terrifies you at the thought of creating them yourself, let’s hop on a call and see how I can support you in getting your business house in order.

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