December 17, 2022
Get Your Files in Order
Naming Conventions are the Key
Written by
Julie Trombley
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Whether you are a small business or a larger organization, it is crucial that you have an orderly filing system. This means a consistent way of naming your files so you and your staff can easily track them down. Whether online or in a cabinet, files can add up over time and impact worker productivity if they aren’t organized.

What is a Naming Convention?

A file naming convention describes the content of each file and makes it easier to identify and quickly find the one you want. It’s essential to set up a convention before you start collecting files or data. Unorganized content can quickly result in misplaced or lost data. Naming conventions are useful any place where large volumes of data are collected and stored.

Basics of Naming Conventions

Before you get started on establishing file naming conventions, here are some tips to help make the process easier.

Use a date format
. Including the year, month and date a file was created will make it much easier to find the one you want. Make sure to follow a standard date format for all of your files.

Use the same letter case
. A consistent pattern of upper and lower case letters to name your files will keep them organized. Remember to remove the spaces between words. Below are some popular case patterns.
  • Camel Case. All words are capitalized except the first. For example, public domain software can be written as publicDomainSoftware.
  • Pascal Case. In this pattern, every word is capitalized. PublicDomainSoftware.
  • Snake Case. The space is replaced with an underscore, such as in public _domain _software.
  • Kebab Case. In this case, the underscore is replaced with a dash. For example, publicdomain-software.

Don’t use special ( & @) characters. Stick to just letters and numbers when naming files. On some operating systems, characters have special meanings and functions. Using them increases the risk of files being deleted or misplaced.

Create a file numbering system. While you are setting up a way to name your files, be sure to add numbers to the name to set them apart. For instance, add zeros before each file number, such as 001, 002, etc. An example would be PublicDomainSoftware001.

Use a Consistent Naming Format. Create rules for the number of characters in the file name you will be using and repeat throughout your filing system. Make sure your team pitches in and that everyone is on the same page.

Simple Rules to Follow

Keep file names short and meaningful so they are easily understood by others. Make sure the file name is unique and indicates what the file contains. Include a word that is most likely to be searched for. Avoid using initials, abbreviations and codes that aren’t easily understood.

Benefits of File Naming Conventions

Aside from getting organized, naming conventions help businesses determine whether they are getting a solid ROI on marketing and sales efforts. For example, an art teacher who just launched a class on Calligraphy can find out what specific message or ad resulted in a filled-up class.

Discover how the sign-ups for other classes compare by pulling up a report for all your classes. This can be done if you have a set category, such as “Classes” followed by a subcategory which contains the name of your class, such as ‘Sewing’.

Naming conventions allow you to pull groups in any collection you create. Groups can include pages, campaigns, contacts, programs and departments. An automation log will let you quickly spot and correct problems in your campaigns. Incorporating the ‘date created’ into your naming conventions helps you easily identify outdated items and make corrections.

If files and folders are named in a consistent and logical way, employees can quickly locate, identify, and retrieve the information they need. This will no doubt lead to a happier and more productive workplace.

Are your assets set up in a way that makes them easy to find for you and your team? Do you need help with asset naming conventions? Book a call today and let me help you streamline your assets in Ontraport.

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